Monday, November 16, 2009

You Know I Like You When...

...I bust out my boxing gloves and start a fight!

Honestly, who fights with people they don't care about? What's the point? Unless you are one of those strange people who gets rush of pure joy from arguing. You're weird. Find something else to do.


Arguing with friends sucks. The truth about me however is that I only fight with people I love. I feel like you have to trust someone quite a bit to show your mean/bad/argumentative/wrong side. The fact that I can't pick up my cell phone and text the one person I wanna text because we had a spat just gives me tummy ache.

Blah. I think my mood matches the weather today: cold and gray.

Speaking of the weather: I tried explaining this crazy bi-polar feeling going on inside me to my students. A couple days ago it was about 90F here in Hanoi. Today it's 60F. That's a 30 degree drop in just a couple days, so of COURSE I busted out my fleece jacket and scarf! However when I email my mom and tell her I'm freezing at 60F, she's thinking I'm NUTS because it's like 35F in Michigan and they would kill for 60F right now! I'm surprised how well my body has adjusted!

This is the first year of my life that I won't see SNOW!! It's crazy crazy! But I asked Mrs. Nelson's Class to send me some pictures, so I'm looking forward to those :)

This week is Teacher Day on Friday. That means lots of pretty flowers!! I'm not vain, I just like flowers...lots of them :)

Random food fact: I've fallen in love with Mana crackers. They are uber they are called I feel biblical when I eat them! Moses...Israelites in the from God...get it?

1 comment:

Elizabeth Nelson said...

Love the Mana!! We will revel in delight in the snow & post pictures! I posted pictures (actually animoto slide show) on our blog for you to see the Halloween festivities:) We also have a slide show of the farm which might interest some of your friends!